crooked politicians poems

The First 100 Days: Keeping Promises |  Stan Morrison - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

The First 100 Days: Keeping Promises | Stan Morrison

Unlimited return on investments
Unhampered access to markets
Unaccountable for quality or fraud
No recourse for consumers
No class action suits allowed
No environmental barriers
Investment Class is divine
No presidential tax returns
No lists of the WH visitors
Blind trust is what He expects from us
It’s always hard to hit a moving target
We know not what he owns or owes
Generous corporate board members
Serving on several boards at once
No chance for the consumers
There are no profits in ethics
The bottom lines are almighty
Bottomless spending at Trump Towers
At Mar-a-Lago and skiing trips to Aspen
Remember money is no object
With the Trumps as the subject

Biblical Tales | Stan Morrison - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Biblical Tales | Stan Morrison

like Moses and the burning bush
there is a conflagration of morality
with nonstop crimes and coverups
self-enrichment and debauches
that defy our ability to be shocked
while the doer’s flame isn’t snuffed out

then the senate parts the polluted waters
so the doer and the gang of thousands
can skate on through mockingly unscathed

Trompe L'Esprit | Stan Morrison - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Trompe L’Esprit | Stan Morrison

what do psychopaths dream about
as REM sleep takes over their sleep
they have no conflicts on parade
they might dream about adoring fans
they’re never tired of being admired
howz about vengeance over enemies
that’s an insatiable lifetime pursuit
maybe about being a stable genius
charming sycophants into submission
that’s certainly a most noble ambition
for the rest, cursed with a moral compass
who respond to some code of ethics
and are deluded by the virtues of empathy
psychopathy is a TROMPE D’ESPRIT

Mechanical Minds |  Nyashadzashe Chikumbu - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Mechanical Minds | Nyashadzashe Chikumbu

He sat there in that dark
shady corner.
Crafty hands waving gleefully
with mis-Chief.
Media fingers spread over acres.
Those puffed-up fingernails
injecting that corridor, corrosive
Into their tender backside flesh,
they cried in harmony.
Their brains rotting in
solitary confinement.
A mechanized solidarity march.

Politics and the English Language |  Stan Morrison - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Politics and the English Language | Stan Morrison

A life dedicated to public service
is but an impenetrable surfeit
of respectability and fame
of access to public funds
endless supply of bribes
a war chest to re-elect
an elaborate system
of crime cover-ups,
“Some rob you with a six gun
others with a fountain pen.”

The title is that of an essay by George Orwell. The last two lines are from Woody Guthrie.

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