meaning of life poems

The Meaning of Life | Roger Harrell - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

The Meaning of Life | Roger Harrell

I’ve noticed that the meaning of life
Isn’t some complicated thing,
It’s really quite simple:
Find out who you really are deep inside
And live your life doing what
You really love doing,
Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not,
Heal yourself,
Put yourself in others’ shoes,
Treat yourself and others with kindness,
Make the world a better place for
Yourself and everyone else,
Treat the planet with care,
Smile and laugh often,
Do nice things,
And love yourself and others.

Bittersweet It Tasted | Chris Byrne - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Bittersweet It Tasted | Chris Byrne

As the years go by
I grow older, wiser,
Always thinking of that
Young lad slowly wasting
What tragic life he had.
Gifted was he, yet he never had
Seen the gifts hidden within,
The laughs and the beers
Hiding his pain, drowning
His sorrows, his gifts and talents
Becoming obsolete, getting older,
His voice keeps on going,
You’re getting there,
Bellowing deep inside,
You’ve realised your gift,
It’s using words. The old man
Thought to himself, if only
I had listened to
That young lad
As he sat back whilst
Enjoying his beer
Thinking of distant

Shibumi | Jonathan Aquino - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Shibumi | Jonathan Aquino

A Zen garden
express the ineffable
that lies hidden.
It is true beauty,
as delicate as gossamer,
as real as a tree.
Deep silence is heard
that language cannot say,
yet too simple for words.
Behind what is true,
one finds simplicity.
Behind what is simple,
one sees its elegance.
That is shibumi.

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Total Eclipse | Judy Moskowitz - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Total Eclipse | Judy Moskowitz

A falling star on the edge
of the dark side
wants to know why
in an endless quest
leading to brown grass
when the world dies
will love live on
in an open sky
hands outstretched
ready to do it right this time
or when love dies
nothing moves forever
not even small creatures
the wind has turned its back
hair starts to fall dead on arrival
like falling snow on my pillow
in my vacuum
counting each strand
in my poem

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