satire poems

The Upcoming Fall Shows | Stan Morrison - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

The Upcoming Fall Shows | Stan Morrison

ban golf and tennis from the screen
poker, texas hold’em not to be seen
disbar ninety-percent of tv judges
no more family spats and grudges
dude, take away the family feud
as a quiz show, it’s way too crude
for the real housewives of anywhere
the end to white wine, pulling hair
stop with the news anchors tricks
side-bar jokes and running shticks
no bland reports of government crimes
with their lies and coverups at all times
stifle stories of mass shootings spun
with sham indignation, nothing’s done
86 on prince nebula, the weather man
with cloudy forecasts and sprayed-on tan
this is a wish list of shows not to be
sadly it’s finally up to the fcc

Roald Dahl Makeover | Stan Morrison - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Roald Dahl Makeover | Stan Morrison

Plot twists: Trump is now Veruca with
Congress and Judiciary as parents
Peace and harmony was the theme
Turns out he was just a bad egg

McConnell’s head Umpa Lumpa
Drank all the Fizzy Lifting Drinks
That Donnie replaced with bleach
The Grim Reaper’s fatally flawed

Giuliani ate Everlasting Gob-stoppers
And turned his hair shoe polish black
Pence clung to his virus homework folder
Mumbled,”Let us bow our heads and pray”

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