separation poems

Par Avion | Fotoula Reynolds - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Par Avion | Fotoula Reynolds

Upon the mantle
A candle burns
Prayers are heard
Mourning visits

Pressing a letter
To her chest
The look of grief
Is not a role play

Dripping tears fall
Crumpled and wet
The paper softens
Ink running and
Words disappearing
But never forgotten

Whimpering outward
Releasing a rawness
Sorrow stinging
Primal fear erupts

Two children look on
Their mother’s heart
Breaks for her father
Papou, he is gone

Death was alive
Inside my house
Inside my mother
I was seven years old
I tried to carry her
Boulder-like hurt
My younger brother
Stares within, voiceless

Goodbye grandfather
Your daughter is an
Amazing mother
Seas will never separate us

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That Meeting There | Krushna Chandra Mishra - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

That Meeting There | Krushna Chandra Mishra

Fondly I remember that event today.
Many years have come to pass in between.
Amidst occasional blushes I gloat over your words.
I am confirmed those were not your words truly.

Equally assured I rest today left all to myself.
I am happy I don’t need to tell you everything .
Now the gulf of years separating us is unbridgeable.

I am confident you are left unhurt to lie well there.
Your charm in a serene soft beckoning soothes all.
All questions surfacing here find me alone for an answer.

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