spirit poems

Inspiration's Tears | Sandra Henry - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Inspiration’s Tears | Sandra Henry

The spirit of beauty
blossoms year ’round
As the spirit of love
shines down from above.
One crystal tear of joy
fills the aching heart
One delicate thought
gives imagination flight
One tender touch
causes the soul to sing
One sweet smile
shall be felt forever more.
Let all the oceans be
crystal tear drops
Let each thought be
a swallow in flight
Let one touch be
a thousand voices singing
Let one smile be
an eternal light.
So shared spirit will live on
in soft and tender hearts
in the tears of inspiration
and in the joy of
cherished friendship.

No Retreats | Jonathan Abayo - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

No Retreats | Jonathan Abayo

I sat beside
The quite stream
Tortoising and calm
Thrilled in mind
Aha! I heard a tune
A baby on mummy’s laps
Such was a giant spirit
No longer utter
Should I!
Would I!
Could I!
State of winning composure
Overwhelmed with failures
And discouraged with petty gains
I’m an ant, I’ll move on
I’m a lion so aggressive
My attitudes Leopard to sober
Hare in decision
I see future like giraffe
Tougher elephant
I don’t wanna be a Buffalo
Conscious antelope
I’m Kilimanjaro
I’m Everest
Call me Amazon
I’m Ngorongoro
My name is Atlantic
Call me Indian
Label me Pacific
Place my world Africa
My feet on America
My walks on Europe
Asia shout me universe
No limit on Earth,
Jupiter, Mars, shoot up Pluto
State of mind humour
Tragedy my experience
No regrets Sun
You have morning
You have afternoon
Let the night awhile
And shine your smile
Like Savanna blossoms
Bliss and twinkle
Everyday is tomorrow

Elephant Spirit Matriarch | Angel Edwards - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Elephant Spirit Matriarch | Angel Edwards

The elephant matriarch spirit
must look out for the good
of the entire herd

She will cast an even handed
kindly rulership
over all of the herd
with no favourites
the mother’s ruling is
The final word

However elephant children
take presedence
their well being
the essence of their

. noble inflexible
. gentle terrible

. elephant spirit
the matriarch

More at http://www.angeledwards.net/.

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